Monash Future ThinkCast

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Monash Future Thinkcast

Listen to our episodes about the complex future with our expert guests.

We discuss multifaceted topics like conflict and peace, mental health and wellbeing all the way through to business and technology.

New episodes to be released from mid 2022!

Join us to think forward and speak now!


2022 Episode 1: The Future of Migration & The Workforce

In this episode of the Monash Future ThinkCast, our convenor, Kim discusses the future of the workforce with Dr Claudio Labanca.

Covering topics of data, working trends, migrations and lessons learned from COVID, they explore how these factors may affect the future of work.

Claudio’s research falls at the intersection of labour economics and public economics and it covers a variety of topics, including wage and productivity differentials across firms, the effects of taxation on the supply of labour and the impact of migration on local labour markets.

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2020 Series 1: Conflict and Peace

Conflict: Associate Professor Fay Anderson and Jocelinn Kang, converse the portrayal of conflict in the media, future of cybersecurity and how we can respond to it effectively.

Peace: Associate Professor Tom Daly and Dr Margie Beavis, discuss the future of peace!

Bonus: Hon. Marilyn Warren AC QC, former Chief Justice of Victoria and Vice-Chancellor Professorial Fellow of Monash University, speaks on her examination of the international interaction between conflict, peace and human rights.

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2020 Series 2: Wellness

Bloom: We chat to Molly Jane, the co-founder Bloom about mental health, wellness and her best tips to living your best life!

Music and ageing: We spoke to accomplished neuroscientist, psychologist, musician and author, Daniel Levitin, about aging well, critical thinking, how stress effects our mind and strategies to combat these effects, as well as the relationship between music and health.

Happiness: We explore happiness, positive psychology and existentialism with researcher and philosopher, Frank Martela.

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2020 Series 3: The Australian Dream

Employment: Jeff Borland, a Professor of Economics at the University of Melbourne, discusses the difficulties of young people breaking into the labour market, the value of internships, volunteering and work experience.

Housing: Simone Curley, a property manager at HomeGround Real Estate, delves into the essentiality of fair housing, trends of the property market and advice for young people entering into the property market.

Education: We speak to Anne Hampshire, the Head of Research and Advocacy at The Smith Family about the impacts of COVID-19 on disadvantaged youth and education more generally, as well as how can adapt as young people and lend a helping hand to those who are struggling.