Ep 0 - What is Monash Future ThinkCast?

Welcome to our new podcast - Monash Future ThinkCast! 

The past few months have shown us that the world is constantly evolving. So we think that it's crucial that we start having conversations about how our present decisions and actions impact our long term future. 

In each episode, our committee members will be asking questions to a new expert about their predictions and visions in different areas of industry, government and research, as well as providing insight into what we can do to ensure a peaceful, inclusive and sustainable society for generations to come. 

Throughout our discussions, we will encourage you to listen think forward and speak now. We're looking forward to connecting all of us future thinkers together.

You can have your say by sending us your future related topic suggestions at monashfuturethinkers@gmail.com. 

Elaine & Andrea

July 03 2020